Seabird adheres to a proven process of producing extraordinary returns for its clients; a consistent, valuation-focused approach that identifies unique opportunities to compound wealth. Our commonsense philosophy of independent thought, disciplined action, and a focus on long term wealth creation is central to our competitive advantage across three industry leading strategies.

Seabird’s Equity+ strategy adheres to the time-tested philosophy of Value Investing for producing extraordinary returns, while unconstrained by the rigidity of a typical style box. Seabird focuses on businesses with competitive advantages and established track records of producing consistent cash flow – wherever those opportunities may lie. Unlike many over-diversified funds, Seabird portfolios are concentrated in only the best opportunities, with the most profitable investments often made when others are unwilling to act.

The Income+ Strategy has separated itself as an industry leader through its unconstrained approach to Fixed Income investment. With a focus on producing tangible, distributable income for clients, we enjoy the latitude and capability to notably enhance returns when unusual opportunities arise. That “go anywhere” approach – coupled with a dogged obsession for reducing both credit and interest rate risk – has allowed us to leverage our broad knowledge base and assemble portfolios designed to out-perform through a variety of economic cycles.

Seabird’s Muni+ strategy invests primarily in municipal bonds while enjoying the flexibility to own other fixed income securities when opportunities arise to maximize after-tax income and total returns. Muni+ offers tax-sensitive investors all the advantages of Income+: strict attention to credit quality, a disciplined approach to interest rates, and an unconstrained mandate, all while delivering a tax-advantaged return.